The Village That Raised Me: Spotlight on the People Who Inspired Shades of Purple

 They say it takes a village to raise a child, and I’ve come to realize just how true that is. Writing Shades of Purple: A Boy’s Journey Between the Lines reminded me of the incredible “village” that shaped me into the person I am today. Every memory I wrote about, every chapter I finished, brought the faces of the people who inspired me front and center in my mind. This book wouldn’t exist without them.

Family: The Foundation of My Story

From the very beginning, my family played a pivotal role in my life. My dad’s unwavering support and quiet strength, my mom’s dedication and sacrifices, Grandma Gayle’s comforting presence, and Grandpa George’s wisdom—all of them helped me navigate the highs and lows of growing up. They were the foundation of my village, even when life wasn’t perfect.

I still hear Grandpa George’s voice reminding me to be patient or Grandma Gayle’s calm reassurance when my anxiety felt overwhelming. These moments, though small at the time, became the building blocks of my resilience. Writing about them brought tears, both happy and sad, but mostly filled me with gratitude.

Teachers and Mentors: Guiding Lights

If you’ve read my story or heard me talk about it, you’ll know how important my teachers and mentors were to me. From Miss Lee’s patience in kindergarten to Mrs. Gallagher’s stash of dark chocolate and heartfelt talks during my time at Ashland University, these educators shaped more than just my academic life—they shaped my character.

Special thanks to Dr. Chapple, who not only guided me through my college years but also played a significant role in bringing Shades of Purple to life. His thoughtful input and willingness to proofread my work made a world of difference, and his belief in me kept me going during the tougher parts of the process. Teachers like him don’t just teach—they ignite a spark, and I’m forever thankful for their influence.

Friends: The Siblings I Chose

Growing up, friends were my escape, my safe place, and my partners in crime. Whether it was Jackson during my middle school years, Austin’s protective big-brother presence, or Kayla, my lifelong cheerleader and confidante, each friendship added a layer to my identity.

Some friendships taught me how to be brave. Others taught me how to let go. But every one of them left an impact, and I wouldn’t be who I am today without them. Writing about these relationships was like reliving those moments, the laughter and the heartbreak, and I’m so grateful to have had these people in my life.

The Ones Who Challenged Me

Not everyone in my village was a source of comfort. Some people challenged me—through their words, actions, or absence. Writing about those moments wasn’t easy, but it was necessary. These experiences taught me how to stand tall, speak up, and find my inner strength. They pushed me to become better, even when the lessons were painful.

The Village Lives On

Even now, my village continues to grow. New friends, mentors, and inspirations enter my life, each bringing something unique. Writing Shades of Purple was my way of honoring not just the people who helped me survive but also those who helped me thrive.

To everyone who’s been part of my journey, whether you’re in the book or not: thank you. Your presence in my life, no matter how big or small, means more than words can express.

A Note to Readers

As you read Shades of Purple: A Boy’s Journey Between the Lines, I hope you’ll recognize parts of your own village within my story. The people who raised you, shaped you, and inspired you deserve to be celebrated too. Let this book be a reminder of the power of connection and the resilience we can find through our “villages.”

Who’s part of your village? Let’s celebrate them together. 💜


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